Policy & campaigning

A man standing outside of Downing Street holding a purple box that says Demand Survival Now on it
Policy & campaigning

General election: what happens next

10 July 2024

Last week’s election has delivered a new Government, and a seismic shift in UK politics. Looking ahead to this Parliament, there are big opportunities to make progress on pancreatic and other less survivable cancers. 

group of people marching towards Downing Street, holding signs asking for early diagnosis, better treatment and demand survival now
Policy & campaigning

General election manifesto round-up

21 June 2024

Our Head of Influencing and Health Improvement, Alfie Bailey-Bearfield, shares a manifesto round-up.

men and women walking down the street with signs one reading demand survival now
Policy & campaigning

Demanding Survival at Downing Street

11 June 2024

Last week we handed in our open letter, signed by over 63,000 Pancreatic Cancer UK supporters who backed our Demand Survival Now manifesto.

Charles Czaijkowski wearing a suit and smiling
Policy & campaigning

My experience shaping new NHS guidance on diagnosis

26 March 2024

Charles, one of our supporters, tells us about his role as a patient expert on the NHS group that developed this new guidance.

Policy & campaigning

Massive campaign win for people with pancreatic cancer

25 March 2024

We are delighted that NHS England has published new guidance recommending that pancreatic cancer should be diagnosed more quickly.  


50,000 people will die of pancreatic cancer without urgent action from next Government

12 March 2024

At least 50,000 people will die of pancreatic cancer by the end of the next five-year Parliamentary term without urgent action from the next government, we have warned, as our new ‘Demand Survival Now’ campaign launches.

A mature man sits in his hospital bed waiting to listen to a doctor explain his diagnosis whilst being consoled by his wife . In the background a young male nurse adjusts his curtain screen so that he can hear the news in private. They are smiling as the news appears to be good news.
Policy & campaigning

New tool developed to improve consistency in patient care

5 January 2024

Specialist pancreatic cancer centres across the UK have begun to trial a new tool called PACT-UK, which aims to create consistency in decision-making for treatment and care for people with pancreatic cancer.

Policy & campaigning

Pancreatic Cancer UK’s Improving Pancreatic Cancer Care launch event 2023

7 November 2023

Pancreatic cancer is tough to detect – but even once it’s spotted, people can go on to face potentially huge obstacles: from getting their diagnosis, treatment and care – to having a better quality of life, and surviving.

Policy & campaigning

Liberal Democrats commit to action on the less survivable cancers – our response

26 September 2023

Read our response to the Liberal Democrats' commitment to a new Cancer Survival Research Act.

Policy & campaigning

Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month (PCAM)

Houses of Parliament - big ben - Pancreatic cancer UK
Policy & campaigning

Government publishes Major Conditions Strategy framework

14 August 2023

Our Interim CEO Anna Jewell, comments on the publication the Department of Health and Social Care's Major Conditions Strategy framework

A mature man sits in his hospital bed waiting to listen to a doctor explain his diagnosis whilst being consoled by his wife . In the background a young male nurse adjusts his curtain screen so that he can hear the news in private. They are smiling as the news appears to be good news.

New national initiative to improve care of pancreatic and hepatocellular cancer patients across Scotland

8 August 2023

NHS Scotland has launched a new initiative with an innovative “Virtual Cancer Care Team” to speed up diagnosis and treatment for two of the most deadly forms of cancer.