Northern Ireland

Health professionals
Presentations from Northern Ireland Study Session: Nutritional management in pancreatic disease, November 2021

Our response to reports of disruption to pancreatic cancer services in Northern Ireland
3 August 2021
Our Head of Scotland and Northern Ireland, Dawn Crosby, responds to reports of disruption to pancreatic cancer services in Northern Ireland.

Can exercise help people with pancreatic cancer?
30 March 2021
Taking a deeper dive into whether exercise can help people with pancreatic cancer.

Policy & campaigning
Spearheading the Less Survivable Cancers Taskforce
4 November 2020
Pancreatic Cancer survival rates have not changed in 50 years. We knew that if we were to make the decision makers listen, we would have to make our voices louder.

Policy & campaigning
Demand Faster Treatment goes to Stormont
11 March 2019
Read our blog about the Demand Faster Treatment petition hand-in at Stormont in Northern Ireland