Don’t write off people with pancreatic cancer
This petition is now closed. Thank you so much for your determination. You can read all about the impact we’ve had together here.
people have signed. Help us reach 30,000.
people have signed. Help us reach 30,000.
Did you know that 7 in 10 people with pancreatic cancer never receive treatment? Not even chemotherapy. And that more than half of people die within three months of diagnosis? It’s shocking, and it’s shameful.
But does pancreatic cancer have to be a death sentence? No. With a faster, fairer treatment and care journey, and funding to make it happen, more people can be treated and have a chance to survive.
Sign our petition now and tell governments – don’t write off people with pancreatic cancer.
I’m telling governments across the UK: don’t write off people with pancreatic cancer
This petition is now closed. Thank you so much for your determined support.
Dad was still strong when he was diagnosed and he was told he was ‘the perfect chemo candidate’. But it didn’t come fast enough. Dad died just 12 weeks after diagnosis. He spent seven of these weeks waiting for his treatment to start.