We Demand Survival Now

Over the last fifty years, successive governments have failed to make pancreatic cancer and other less survivable cancers a priority.  

In 2024, half of people diagnosed with pancreatic cancer are still dying within three months. 

This year’s General Election is our best chance to persuade whoever becomes the next Prime Minister to finally take action and save thousands of lives.  

We demand that the leaders of political parties commit to doubling survival for pancreatic cancer and the other less survivable cancers.   

Sign our letter and Demand Survival Now 

Read the open letter to political leaders

Dear Rishi Sunak, Sir Keir Starmer, Sir Ed Davey, Carla Denyer, Adrian Ramsay and Richard Tice,

This General Election, we’re saying enough is enough. We Demand Survival Now for people with pancreatic cancer. 

For over fifty years, UK governments have left pancreatic cancer, and the other least survivable cancers, behind. In 2024, over half of people diagnosed with pancreatic cancer are still dying within three months. The UK is falling behind the rest of the world. We are 29th out of 33 countries for five year survival. This is unacceptable.  

Successive governments haven’t invested in the research needed to transform the future of pancreatic cancer. And to make matters worse, they’ve also missed crucial opportunities to improve survival and people’s experiences of treatment and care now. 

Today, people are waiting too long to get diagnosed in the UK. 80% of people are diagnosed at an advanced stage when it’s often too late to survive. Nearly half are diagnosed in an emergency setting.  

On top of this, people wait too long for treatment and become too ill while they’re waiting. So 7 in 10 receive no treatment at all – not even chemotherapy. Because of this, every year thousands of people miss out on the chance to survive, and invaluable time with their loved ones.  

But it doesn’t have to be this way. Other countries have acted to improve people’s chance at surviving this disease. And you can too.  

This General Election, you can finally end decades of injustice by committing to doubling survival for pancreatic cancer, and the other least survivable cancers in your manifesto.  

You can end injustice by: 

  • Investing at least £35m a year into pancreatic cancer research to bring about breakthroughs in early diagnosis and new treatments 
  • Treating pancreatic cancer as an emergency, so everyone gets diagnosed within 21 days 
  • Doubling the number of people getting life-saving treatment within 21 days of diagnosis

Pancreatic Cancer UK has worked with the healthcare and research communities, as well as people with this deadly disease to develop the solutions we need. We call on you and your advisors to meet with the charity as the first step to kickstarting change.  

You can be the government that makes the UK a world leader in pancreatic cancer and saves thousands of lives.   

Yes, I’ll sign

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Quotemarks Created with Sketch.

It was tough for Dad. We started to see him decline pretty quickly, and that was hard. He was always active throughout his life; he was a strong guy and seeing someone like that get weaker and weaker is devastating


What are we calling for?

We need the leaders of political parties to commit to doubling survival for pancreatic cancer and the other less survivable cancers.  

For pancreatic cancer, this means: 

  • Investing at least £35m a year into pancreatic cancer research to bring about breakthroughs in early diagnosis and new treatments  
  • Treating pancreatic cancer as an emergency, so everyone can get diagnosed within 21 days  
  • Doubling the number of people getting potentially life-saving treatment within 21 days of diagnosis 

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