Join a focus group: Help shape and plan a supportive care project

Join a focus group to help develop a supportive care project.

The project

Dr Gillian Prue, Professor Eila Watson and Professor Linda Sharp from the Queen’s University Belfast, University of Oxford and Newcastle University want to collaborate on a supportive care project after discussions at Pancreatic Cancer UK’s Supportive Care Workshop in May 2023.

The team are working together with Pancreatic Cancer UK to try and enhance supportive care for people with pancreatic cancer. They are particularly interested in how exercise, nutrition advice and psychological well being support could help those diagnosed with, or being treated for, pancreatic cancer, and their loved ones. They are keen to discuss their initial ideas with individuals with a lived experience of pancreatic cancer or caring for someone with pancreatic cancer. This will help shape the research and ensure it’s relevance for those it is designed to help.

The team are inviting individuals to join their focus group to help shape and plan their supportive care project. They are looking to hold the focus group on:

Monday 20th November OR Thursday 23rd November 2023 from 5:30 – 7:00 pm

Next steps

No scientific background or prior experience is needed to take part in this opportunity.

Focus groups consist of small groups of RIN members along with the researcher and a member of Pancreatic Cancer UK, they are opportunities to find out more about a project, ask questions of the researcher and for the researcher to hear what you think about their project based on your personal experiences.

If you are interested in getting involved in this project please contact the Research Team ( with your details and the date(s) you are available quoting “Supportive care project”.