Walk 31 Miles in October 2024


Tuesday, 1 October 2024 - Thursday, 31 October 2024

Event type

Personal challenges


No fixed location

Walk 31 Miles in October and help fund research breakthroughs.

We’re facing a pancreatic cancer emergency. It’s unacceptable that more than half of people diagnosed with pancreatic cancer die within 3 months. Survival rates have improved enormously for most cancers. Sadly, for pancreatic cancer, this is not the case.

But there is hope. Take on the Walk 31 Miles in October challenge and help us fund world-leading research and ensure support is available for people now.

To get started, all you need to do is:

  1. Join the Facebook group
  2. Register for your FREE t-shirt and fundraising pack
  3. Set up your Facebook Fundraiser or JustGiving page to kickstart your fundraising
  4. Start your challenge on 1st of October.

Become part of Team Pancreatic Cancer UK, and together we can transform the future for everyone affected by pancreatic cancer.

Make a difference

Raising £188 could fund a nurse on our support line for a day.


Our Support to you:

  • Receive a FREE t-shirt
  • Top fundraising tips in our welcome booklet
  • A Walk 31 Miles in October challenge tracker
  • Dedicated support from our team
  • Join our Facebook and Strava groups

Walk 31 Miles in October FAQs

We’ve answered all of your frequently asked questions to help you in your challenge. If you can’t see the answer to your question, please feel free to get in touch.

Terms and Conditions

The following rules and conditions of entry (the “Rules”) relate to Walk 31 Miles in October event (the “Event”) organised by Pancreatic Cancer UK (“PCUK”).

Conditions of entry

  1. Your details will be passed to PCUK from Facebook and Give Panel, so that PCUK can contact you about the Event.
  2. Money pledged via online fundraising pages is collected automatically. Participants may also pay in fundraising monies or donations by:
    1. calling the supporter care team on 020 3535 7090 with credit or debit card details to make a payment over the phone; or
    2. sending a cheque made payable to “Pancreatic Cancer UK” stating your full name and referencing the Event.

All participants have a legal responsibility to ensure that all fundraising monies/donations received in connection with the Event are paid to PCUK as soon as possible after the Event. Fundraising monies/donations which are raised offline must be paid by no later than November 2024, attached to a sponsorship form which can be downloaded at pancreaticcancer.org.uk/sponsorshipform. PCUK must receive the full amount of sponsorship money donated to you. Money received in sponsorship for the Event should not be used to cover the cost of travel to/from the Event, or equipment/clothing for the Event.

  1. Should you decide to withdraw from the Event, all sponsor forms and sponsor money collected must be forwarded to PCUK or, following a request from the sponsors, returned to the sponsors to the extent reasonably possible. You will contact PCUK immediately if you need to withdraw from the challenge.
  2. You must adhere to the rules and regulation of the Event as stated in the Facebook group. For reference, please visit Walk 31 Miles in October | Facebook
  3. Participants aged under 16 must provide contact details of their parent or legal guardian, and must receive permission from that parent or guardian to receive communication from PCUK about this challenge.
  4. Any personal information you share in the Facebook group, or any other data sharing platform such as Strava, is at your own risk. Please make sure you update and manage your own privacy settings as you see fit.
  5. You agree that PCUK may use without payment, any photographs, videos and other images in which you appear which are taken during the Event by any person, in our brochure, website, social network marketing activities or any other relevant promotional material. PCUK will not, however, identify anyone by name without their prior agreement. For further information on how Pancreatic Cancer UK may use your photo and other personal data we process, please refer to our privacy policy (https://www.pancreaticcancer.org.uk/privacy-policy/). Should you prefer that PCUK do not use any such images in which you may appear which are taken during the Event in any promotional materials or if you do not wish to be the subject of any photography, please notify us by calling on 0203 535 7090 or by emailing supportercare@pancreaticcancer.org.uk.


  1. By signing up to the Event, you confirm that, to the best of your knowledge, your general state of health and fitness is good and that you are healthy and fit (physically and medically) enough to enter and complete the Event. You acknowledge that you are taking part in this challenge at your own risk. You accept that, should any medical or physical condition arise prior to the Event which is likely to affect your ability to compete, you shall withdraw from the Event in accordance with these conditions
  2. Participants enter the Event at their own risk. PCUK shall not be liable for any injury or loss to persons or their property that might occur as a result of their participation in or attendance of the Event, other than in respect of any injury or loss arising as a result of our negligence. For the avoidance of doubt, nothing in these Rules shall operate to exclude or limit any liability which cannot legally be excluded or limited. Participants are responsible for ensuring that they are sufficiently fit and healthy to take part in the Event. Anyone unsure of their physical ability to take part in the Event must seek medical advice from their doctor prior to the Event.
  3. We reserve the right to ask you to withdraw during the Event if we have concerns about your ability to complete the course due to fitness, injury or otherwise. If you choose to continue you do so against the advice of the events team and therefore absolve the events team of any responsibility going forward.
  4. Participants are responsible for ensuring that they are wearing appropriate attire (including footwear) and in possession of the appropriate protections when taking part in the Event, taking into account the nature of the Event, the weather forecast and the terrain involved.

Any questions?

Do you have a question?  Please contact the team on 020 3535 7090 or email fundraise@pancreaticcancer.org.uk

Email us