Join our Campaigns Community

Be an active part of changing the future - join our community of passionate campaigners

Pancreatic cancer is a cancer emergency that cannot be ignored. Right now, it’s diagnosed too late and more than half of people die within three months of diagnosis.

That’s why we’re campaigning for change. 

We campaign for early diagnosis, better treatment and more research breakthroughs. We do this by influencing governments and the NHS across all four UK nations – in partnership with people affected by pancreatic cancer and health professionals.

Together with our incredible supporters, we’ve successfully campaigned to

  • keep treatment going during the pandemic
  • secure new NHS guidelines and investment to diagnose and treat pancreatic cancer
  • get commitments from the NHS bodies, governments and political parties in the UK to make pancreatic cancer a priority.

Now, we must we turn all this momentum into impact – and we’d love you to join us.

Join our campaigns community to stand with us to demand better for people with pancreatic cancer.

What can you expect from being part of the community?

We will keep you updated by email about the latest campaigns news and involvement opportunities.

Members can choose how, when and to what extent they want to contribute and can be involved as much or as little as they like.

Example opportunities may include:

  • Sharing your experience through surveys or focus groups to help us identify the issues affecting people with pancreatic cancer
  • Feeding into the development of campaigns messaging, written materials and imagery
  • Taking part in e-campaigns actions, e.g. through signing and sharing a petition or emailing your politician
  • Meeting your local politician or NHS professionals to share your experiences
  • Joining a parliamentary event or attending a petition hand-in.
  • Working with us to plan and deliver projects and campaigns to improve diagnosis and treatment for people with pancreatic cancer, e.g. by taking part in workshops and surveys.

Campaigns Community Sign Up Form

Sign up below to be among the first to join our new campaigns community. We’ll let you know about the latest campaign news, and ways you can get involved.

  • Please note, if you select 'I have had a pancreatic cancer diagnosis', you are consenting to our use of your health information to help us tailor our communications and improve your experience with us. See our privacy policy:
  • Please share your email address, and / or telephone, so we can be in touch with you about getting involved.
  • Please share your postcode so we are able to match you to opportunities in your local area
  • Hearing from Pancreatic Cancer UK

  • By submitting this form you are consenting to hearing from Pancreatic Cancer UK about campaign news and opportunities by email and occasionally by telephone.
  • Please note, the contact preferences you give to us today will override any preferences you’ve previously made us aware of. For more details about how we use the data you give to us, please read our Privacy Policy. From time to time, we may also contact you by post and telephone. You can change this at any time by emailing us at or calling 020 3535 7090
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.