Designed specifically for health professionals working in the community, this event explored all the key things you need to know to provide the best support and care to people with pancreatic cancer and their loved ones.
We be discussed:
- The different journeys and touchpoints your patients may experience
- Symptom management support including key tips on managing pain, fatigue, nausea, diarrhoea and constipation
- Recognising the signs of end of life
- Important information to help with managing diet, PERT and diabetes
- Support available to you, your patients and their loved ones
View the slides
Tracking your patient’s journey – Nicci Murphy, Clinical Lead – Pancreatic Cancer Nurse Specialist, Pancreatic Cancer UK
Symptom management support – Sinead Benson, Palliative Care CNS, The Clatterbridge Cancer Centre NHS Foundation Trust
Diet, PERT and diabetes – Anna Burton, Senior Specialist Pancreatic Dietitian, St James’s Hospital
Support for you, your patients and their loved ones from Pancreatic Cancer UK – Nicci Murphy
Watch the recordings
View the agenda
- 12.00 – 12.10: Welcome and introduction to pancreatic cancer – Sarah Bell, Head of Services, Pancreatic Cancer UK
- 12.10 – 12.25: Tracking your patient’s journey – Nicci Murphy, Clinical Lead – Pancreatic Cancer Nurse Specialist, Pancreatic Cancer UK
- 12.25 – 13.10: Symptom management support – Sinead Benson, Palliative Care CNS, The Clatterbridge Cancer Centre NHS Foundation Trust
- 13.10 – 13.15: Break
- 13.15 – 13.45: Diet, PERT and diabetes – Anna Burton, Senior Specialist Pancreatic Dietitian, St James’s Hospital
- 13.45 – 13.55: Support for you, your patients and their loved ones from Pancreatic Cancer UK – Nicci Murphy
- 13.55 – 14.10: Q&A
- 14.10 – 14.15: Close
What can I expect to learn from watching this session?
By watching this session, you will:
- Increase your understanding of the different pathways a patient with pancreatic cancer may experience
- Increase your knowledge on the symptoms of pancreatic cancer
- Get tips on how you can support your patients in managing their symptoms
- Get tips on supporting your patients with their diet and diabetes
- Find out additional support available to your patients
Who is this session for?
This session is suitable for all health professionals working with people affected by pancreatic cancer in the community. This includes:
- Community and district nurses
- Palliative care teams
- GPs and primary care health professionals
- Community dietitians
- Support staff such as support workers, patient navigators
Our speakers
Nicci Murphy
Clinical Lead – Pancreatic Cancer Nurse Specialist, Pancreatic Cancer UK
Nicci has been nursing for 20 years and started her career as a district nurse, going on to specialise in palliative care, both in the community and in a hospice setting. Nicci then moved to secondary care, working in oncology in a city hospital providing support to individuals and their families affected by a cancer diagnosis, including pancreatic cancer. For the last five years Nicci has been part of the nursing team at Pancreatic Cancer UK working on the support line.
Sinead Benson
Palliative Care CNS, The Clatterbridge Cancer Centre NHS Foundation Trust
Sinead has worked in palliative care for over 16 years in the areas of hospice, community, acute care and latterly cancer care at Clatterbridge Cancer Centre, Liverpool (CCC-L).
She is part of a team who delivers an Enhanced Supportive Care (ESC) service for patients with palliative diagnosis / needs within Cheshire & Merseyside Cancer Network. Sinead is particularly interested in managing symptoms relating to hepatopancreaticbillary (HPB) cancers and side effects secondary to anti-cancer treatment. Last year she published an article regarding her work in this area.
Anna Burton
Senior Specialist Pancreatic Dietitian – St James’s Hospital
Anna is a Senior Specialist Surgical Pancreatic Dietitian at Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust part time. Anna graduated from Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh in 1997 with a BSc Hons degree in Nutrition and Dietetics. Since then, Anna has gained 26 years’ experience in clinical dietetics. In 2000 Anna joined the dietetic department at St James’s Hospital, Leeds specialising in gastrointestinal surgery and parenteral nutrition. Pancreatic surgical dietetics won Anna’s heart and she has jointly led the very busy pancreatic dietetic service since 2007 in Leeds. Anna completed a PGdip in Advanced Nutrition from Leeds Beckett University in 2019.
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us at: