Homeward Bound
A play based on the true story of Seth and Lesley Goodburn that has been performed to a range of health professionals as part of training and service improvement programmes
The story behind Homeward Bound
Homeward Bound is a play based on the true story of Seth and Lesley Goodburn. The play was developed in 2016 by Brian Daniels and the National Council for Palliative Care to help improve end of life care. Based on Lesley and Seth’s experiences, the play recounts Seth’s life and his care and treatment towards the end of his life. Although much of Seth’s care was excellent, other issues prevented him from dying at home, and this is explored in the play.
Lesley made a commitment to Seth to raise awareness of the issues they experienced in the hope of changing this for others, and ensuring that anyone in a similar situation will not have to go through what they did. The play has been performed to a range of health professionals as part of training and service improvement programmes, and has been hailed as thought provoking and powerful in making a positive contribution to improving end of life care.
A resource for health professionals
We’re extremely proud to have worked in partnership with he National Council for Palliative Care, the Leeds Hospital NHS Trust, St Giles Hospice and NHS England to develop the Homeward Bound educational resources for health professionals. The resources aim to help provide good quality end of life care for people affected by pancreatic cancer and include questions to help health professionals reflect on the play and their own experiences.
Homeward Bound has been broken down into four learning units, covering:
- Raising awareness about the signs and symptoms of pancreatic cancer
- Understanding the human impact of receiving a late diagnosis
- Improving communication between professionals and individuals with life-limiting illness and their families and ensuring involvement and shared decision making
- Improving the quality and experience of palliative and end of life care for people affected by pancreatic cancer.
This resource will be useful and of interest to a wide range of health professionals, including:
- Those that require general end of life care awareness, and people working in a health and social care setting
- Roles that have regular contact with people receiving end of life care
- Roles which frequently involve providing end of life care.
Accessing the play and resource
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