About pancreatic cancer

Find out more about pancreatic cancer. We explain the symptoms, risk factors, and how it’s diagnosed.

Doctor in scrubs listening to patient talk

What are the symptoms?

We explain the common symptoms of pancreatic cancer, and what to do if you have symptoms.

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A patient sitting listening to a doctor

How is it diagnosed?

Find out about the tests used to diagnose pancreatic cancer, and what your test results mean.

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a person sitting and listening to someone talk

Just diagnosed?

If you or someone you know has just been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, find out what the diagnosis means and what happens next.

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Two women in kitchen

Managing pancreatic cancer

Get information to help you deal with pancreatic cancer, including understanding your care and treatments, and how to manage digestion problems and symptoms.

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GP talking to patient

Risk factors

We don’t fully understand what causes pancreatic cancer. But we do know some of the things that may increase someone’s risk.

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A father and son sitting opposite each other with their hands clasped together

Family history

Sometimes pancreatic cancer may run in a family. This isn’t common – it’s less than one in ten (10%) of pancreatic cancers.

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An older woman hugging a younger woman

Information for families

It can be a huge shock when someone close to you has pancreatic cancer. We can help you understand what to expect.

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Order our publications

Order or download our free booklets about pancreatic cancer, treatments and symptoms.

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