Key facts
- Not everyone will get the same symptoms of pancreatic cancer or side effects of treatment, and people get different symptoms at different stages of their cancer.
- There are ways to manage most symptoms, which can improve how you feel, both physically and emotionally.
- So speak to your doctor or nurse if you have any symptoms or side effects, for help managing them.
- Treatments for pancreatic cancer, such as chemotherapy and radiotherapy, can help with some of the symptoms – although they can also cause side effects.
- Taking capsules called pancreatic enzymes when you eat can help improve problems with digestion.
- We are aware that there are problems with the supply of some brands of PERT rat the moment. If this is affecting you, find out more in our blog, including things you can do.
- Ask to be referred to a dietitian for help with problems with digestion and eating.
- Pancreatic cancer can cause diabetes, but this can be treated with tablets or insulin injections.
- Ask the doctor or nurse for help with any pain as soon as possible – painkillers and other treatments can help.
- Extreme tiredness (fatigue) is a common symptom. There are things that can help, like balancing rest with gentle exercise.