Anxiety and depression

People with pancreatic cancer may be more likely to have anxiety or depression. Getting the right support can help you cope.

What's in the 'Emotional impact of pancreatic cancer' section?

Pancreatic cancer can affect your mental health. People with cancer may feel low or anxious from time to time. But for many people with pancreatic cancer, these feelings don’t go away, leading to more serious problems with anxiety and depression.

Symptoms of low mood and depression include:

  • feeling down, depressed or hopeless
  • loss of interest or pleasure in daily life
  • feeling worthless or guilty
  • problems sleeping
  • increased or decreased appetite
  • changes in your weight
  • having no energy
  • finding it difficult to concentrate
  • feeling that life isn’t worth living.

Symptoms of anxiety include:

  • feeling anxious and worried on more days than not
  • feeling restless or on edge
  • finding it difficult to concentrate
  • getting irritable
  • having problems sleeping.

Some of these symptoms, such as weight loss, change in appetite or lack of energy can be common when dealing with pancreatic cancer. These do not always mean you have depression or anxiety, but they can be distressing. If you have any of the symptoms in the lists above, it is important to get help.

How can I cope with anxiety and depression?

It’s important to know you are not alone. Speak to your hospital doctor, nurse or GP about how you are feeling as soon as possible. They can support you and find ways to manage the anxiety or depression.

Your medical team may suggest a talking therapy such as counselling to help you work through your feelings. They may also prescribe medicines to help treat depression, anxiety or problems sleeping.

It may also help to sort out any practical issues that are worrying you, such as financial issues, work or worries about family.

We have more information about dealing with the emotional impact of pancreatic cancer, and things that can help.

Speak to your GP, doctor or nurse if you have symptoms of depression, or feel you are struggling with your mental health. If you have cancer that can’t be cured and are being cared for by a palliative care team or a hospice, they may also be able to help.

Get support

You can also speak to our specialist nurses on our free Support Line with any questions about anxiety or depression or getting support.

Speak to our nurses
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“It is so overwhelming and it is so important to be kind to yourself, give yourself plenty of time, allow the emotions to come and go, and talk to anyone you can.”

Published January 2025

To be reviewed January 2028