Information about the supply of Creon, Nutrizym and Pancrex
Specialist nurse, Lynne, provides information about the supply of Creon, Nutrizym and Pancrex.
Hello, I am Lynne, a specialist pancreatic cancer nurse. This blog explains problems with the supply of pancreatic enzyme replacement therapy (PERT). We know that there are currently problems with the supply of Creon®, and also Nutrizym® and Pancrex®. These are all brands of PERT.
PERT is a capsule you take with food that helps to replace the enzymes your pancreas would normally make. They help you to digest your food and absorb all the calories and nutrients from it.
This information is for people with pancreatic cancer. If you have cystic fibrosis, please contact the Cystic Fibrosis Trust as some of the information will be different for you. If you have pancreatitis, Guts UK have information.
Why is there a supply problem?
The company that produces Creon has warned of a temporary shortage of Creon. The companies that make Nutrizym and Pancrex have also had shortages as people have switched to these brands, and they can’t keep up with demand. The company that makes Creon is called Viatris, Zentiva makes Nutrizym, and Essential Pharmaceuticals Ltd makes Pancrex. Viatris have told us that they are working hard to sort out these issues.
Supplies are being regularly restocked, so shortages may only last for a short time. The shortages are a problem across the UK, and we know other countries in Europe are also affected. There may be some areas in the UK not affected by this shortage, so it may be that you aren’t affected at all.
What can I do?
There are different doses of Creon capsules, and you can use these to safely make up your dose. Spread them out during your meal. You can also use a mixture of 25,000 and 10,000 if you have both capsules.
You can also switch to one of the other brands of PERT, and use different brands to make up your dose. You will need to speak to your GP to get a prescription for these. Your GP may be able to include different types of PERT on the prescription, in case your usual type isn’t available.
Read more detailed information about using different brands of PERT.
Speaking to your pharmacy
Be aware that pharmacies can only supply a maximum of one month’s supply of PERT at a time, so that supplies last longer. It is a good idea to put in your prescription requests as soon as the pharmacy has provided your previous prescription. This will give the pharmacist time to get your PERT. Check with your GP surgery that the prescription request has been authorised. Some GP surgeries have automated systems that reject repeat prescriptions if they are placed too early.
If your normal pharmacy doesn’t have your PERT, you could ask them to call the wholesaler that supplies it, to have more stock sent. Check back in a couple of days as we understand pharmacies are restocking with fresh supplies regularly. You might find it helps to speak directly to the pharmacist. You could ask what they are doing to help get your PERT, and if there’s anything you can do.
You could also try calling other pharmacies in the area to see if they have supplies. Make sure you try several different chains of pharmacy. One chain might be out of stock, but others might be able to get it.
You can contact customer services at the companies that make PERT to find out about local pharmacies that have recently ordered stock. They cannot tell you about supply at those pharmacies, but you could contact the pharmacy yourself.
- To find out about Creon, contact Viatris on 0800 8086410 or email productenquiries@viatris.co.uk
- To find out about Nutrizym contact Zentiva on 08000 902408 or email email ukcustomerservices@zentiva.com
Ask your GP to give you a separate prescription for PERT, without any other medicines included on it. This will make it easier for you to get PERT at other pharmacies, if your usual one does not have it.
If your pharmacist can not get the usual brands of PERT, they may be able to get other brands from overseas. These include PANCREAZE® and Zenpep®. Be aware that it may a bit of time for these to be delivered. You would need to get your prescription changed for this. Speak to your GP or oncologist about this.
You may find you need to be persistent in trying to get your PERT. We know this can be frustrating, time consuming and tiring.
Read more about the supply problems, and what to do if you are struggling to get your PERT.
Get support with your PERT
If you are having problems getting PERT, get in touch with your dietitian, hospital team or GP for advice. You can also contact our specialist nurses on the Support Line for information and support if you are running low on PERT. We can help with managing symptoms linked to a lack of enzymes. Please be aware though that we can’t help you access PERT – we can only provide information.
We understand that you might feel worried by the thought of not being able to get your usual PERT prescription. Please don’t stockpile by getting extra supplies, as this this will cause further shortages. Supplies are being regularly restocked, so shortages should only last for a short time.
"Thank you for your help and advice this morning. This led me to getting a prescription for Creon filled this afternoon, after speaking to the pharmacist at my GP practice about what the pharmaceutical company had told you about supplies."
Action we’re taking on access to PERT
We know that access to PERT is very important for people with pancreatic cancer. And we know that problems accessing PERT is very stressful and worrying.
We have been discussing this situation regularly with Department of Health and Social Care officials and PERT suppliers, pushing them to prioritise and address the shortages. We are calling on the new UK Government to take urgent action on PERT shortages now. You can read more about our response to the PERT shortages in this blog.
Remember, you can get information on taking PERT from our specialist nurses on our Support Line. You can get in touch by email or call us free on 0808 801 0707.
Read more detailed information about the supply problems and things you can do if you are affected.
Thanks for reading the blog, I hope you’ve found it helpful.
Updated December 2024