Latest news
Here you can find news items and blogs by Pancreatic Cancer UK staff and guest writers

Changes to our trustee board
This month, we said farewell to our Chair of Trustees, Lynne Walker and we’re delighted to welcome our new Chair, Eleanor Phillips.

World-first pancreatic cancer breath test
We’re thrilled to announce that we are funding a new clinical study to develop a breath test that could detect pancreatic cancer early enough to save thousands of lives a year.

“The bravery she showed was so humbling”
Sarah's mum was diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes in June 2022. Then, in September the same year, after experiencing pain, bloating and indigestion, doctors discovered a mass in her abdomen. Eventually, tests revealed she had stage 4 pancreatic cancer.

Four things we’ve learnt about early detection
Our researchers have laid the vital groundwork for the development of new tests for the early detection of pancreatic cancer. Here we take a look at what they have achieved so far.

UK Government publish Urgent & Emergency Care Recovery Plan – our response
Our Director of Research, Support and Influencing comments on the publication of the government's Urgent and Emergency Care Recovery Plan.

Welsh Government publish new Cancer Improvement Plan for NHS Wales
Our Director of Support, Research and Influencing, Anna Jewell, comments on the publication of Wales' new Cancer Improvement Plan.

Government U-turn on publication of 10 Year Cancer Plan – our statement
Pancreatic Cancer UK's Director of Support, Research and Influencing, Anna Jewell, comments on the government's decision to scrap the 10 Year Cancer Plan for England

Angela’s gift of hope
After Angela was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in August 2020, she used our free Will writing service to ensure her loved ones and the causes she cared about were provided for. Here's her story.

Anne’s gift of hope
Anne chose to leave a gift in her Will to fund research into early diagnosis. Here's her story.

Cambridge researchers to improve treatment options for deadliest common cancer by understanding how it grows
Researchers at the University of Cambridge will use a new cutting-edge laboratory technique to study which proteins cause uncontrolled cell-growth in pancreatic cancer and enable the devastating disease to spread rapidly.

Chemo before surgery shown to improve one-year survival
A new clinical trial has found that chemotherapy before surgery significantly increased the one-year survival of people with pancreatic cancer whose tumour was borderline resectable.

Thank you for raising your voices this November
Celebrating another successful Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month