Tribute to Dr Charles Martin Bates
As we begin a new year, we wanted to pause and remember those who supported us by leaving a gift in their Will. We wanted to say thank you to Dr Charlie Martin-Bates, beloved husband, father, grand-father, GP and friend, who very sadly died of pancreatic cancer in August 2022.
Charlie was devoted to caring for his patients at the Emmer Green Surgery in Reading, Berkshire, for over 30 years. In his many obituaries, Charlie was described as “a remarkable man, a talented sportsman, linguist, musician and amazing doctor”.
Charlie’s patients adored him. He always made himself available to them, working incredibly long hours. He offered social care and guidance, as well as passing on his deep knowledge of medicine with “empathy, patience and wisdom”.
Following retirement, Charlie didn’t slow down. He did a post graduate diploma in tropical medicine and worked in hospitals in Uganda, still visiting his beloved Scotland whenever he could.

Charlie’s son, Alexi, was devastated to lose his dad but so proud that he chose to leave a gift to Pancreatic Cancer UK in his Will.
He told us “Pancreatic cancer still is a condition desperately in need of research to find new and better treatments. Hopefully my dad’s legacy will be able to help achieve this, and ultimately benefit others; this would have made him very pleased. Dad leaves us all with a legacy of love and hope.”
We are so grateful that Charlie and many other supporters choose to remember us in this very special way. They will never be forgotten.
For more information about these wonderful gifts of hope visit.
Pancreatic cancer still is a condition desperately in need of research to find new and better treatments. Hopefully my dad’s legacy will be able to help achieve this, and ultimately benefit others; this would have made him very pleased. Dad leaves us all with a legacy of love and hope.