Why I volunteer – Dawn
Long-term volunteer Dawn, shares why she volunteers at events - and why she recommends it.
Dawn is one of our amazing Events Volunteers, and a 10-year survivor of pancreatic cancer. In 2022, Dawn volunteered for Pancreatic Cancer UK at the Cardiff Marathon and has shared her experience with us:
What did you enjoy about volunteering at the Cardiff Marathon?
It was wonderful to see the all the marathon runners and inspiration behind their commitments to do something positive. I met some great people and listened to their stories. I was clapping, waving my Pancreatic Cancer UK banner and cheering them all on.
How did volunteering make you feel?
It was a bit surreal seeing thousands of people in different coloured kits and costumes – all taking part in such a huge event.
Those who were running for Pancreatic Cancer UK were so pleased to see someone in the crowd cheering for them. It gave them an extra boost to keep going and not give up… and that was my contribution. It made me feel part of the experience and that I was actually making a difference.
Why would you recommend volunteering at an event for Pancreatic Cancer UK?
You join a group that no-one really wants to be a part of as it is usually instigated by a brutal catalyst. However, once you do join, you are immediately part of a family, everyone here has a connection, a group of likeminded and caring people who know exactly how you feel, who help, advise and support each other. And you couldn’t be in better hands, the staff make you feel special and that are doing an amazing thing – and indeed you are.
You will be making a positive difference to thousands of people now and in the future. I know this from personal experience – so much has changed in the 10 years since my diagnosis – but it’s not nearly fast enough. What you do today benefits their tomorrow.
We are currently looking for volunteers to support us at events in England and Scotland, including the London Landmarks Half Marathon in April, and the Edinburgh Marathon Festival in May. Why don’t you register as an Events Volunteer and support our Pancreatic Cancer UK runners.