Opportunity to improve pancreatic cancer diagnosis
Help develop NHS England's diagnostic pathway for Upper GI cancers
We have a great opportunity for someone who has been affected by pancreatic cancer to get involved in an exciting piece of work that NHS England are leading on.
The NHS Cancer Programme in England is developing a timed diagnostic pathway for Upper GI cancers (of which pancreatic cancer is one). The pathway will map out the stages and steps that need to happen so that patients with pancreatic cancer are diagnosed quickly, efficiently and effectively. The pathway will include best practice and aim to ensure diagnosis within at least 28 days. Once the pathway is complete, NHS England will encourage and support its widespread adoption by NHS Trusts across the country.
Pancreatic Cancer UK is already represented on the group and NHS England is now also seeking a patient representative. The representative must either have had pancreatic cancer, or been the main carer for a person with pancreatic cancer, ideally in the last few years.
In addition, the role would:
- Meet monthly from February until April/May. The first meeting is being held on 8th February. At this stage, we understand all meetings are being held online.
- Provide insight and feedback from other people affected by pancreatic cancer into the barriers which should be addressed so that the timed pathway is successful
- Provide feedback on the timed pathways guidance by email outside of meetings
Read the full role description – Diagnostic pathway opportunity
We believe that this piece of work has the potential to make a big difference to people with pancreatic cancer and we would love someone affected by pancreatic cancer to be directly involved. If you are interested, please email campaigns@pancreaticcancer.org.uk and outline what you think you could bring to this role, and we will be in touch.