Workshop for Supportive Care Research
18th May 2023, 10am - 4.30pm Wellcome Collection, 183 Euston Road, London NW1 2BE
On Thursday 18th May 2023, we’ll be bringing together people interested in supportive care research to build collaborative networks to drive advances in the field.
We will:
- Convene researchers across all disciplines to help facilitate connection, networking, and collaboration
- Discuss core challenges in pancreatic cancer supportive care research and how to work together to overcome them and advance the field
By ‘supportive care’ we are referring to research looking at how we can understand, prevent, manage, and effectively treat the physical and psychological symptoms and side effects of pancreatic cancer and its treatment.
This includes but isn’t limited to pain, psychology, emotional needs, nutrition, physical activity, pre-habilitation, rehabilitation, and end of life care. It ranges across the cancer patient journey from the point of diagnosis to treatment, throughout treatment and to post-treatment care.
We are aware of how challenging conducting and delivering research within supportive care settings can be. This workshop is the start of our commitment to better understand these challenges and help tackle them together.
Key details
- Date: Thursday 18th May 2023
- Timings: 10am – 4.30pm
- Venue: Wellcome Collection, 183 Euston Road, London NW1 2BE
- Travel bursaries: If you need financial support for travel to the workshop, and your employer or institution cannot offer this, please get in touch with the us at for more information on travel bursaries.
Full agenda as follows:
- 10.00-10.30: Registration, teas & coffee
- 10.30-10.40: Welcome & plan for the day
- 10.40-11.05: Session 1 – Introducing the supportive care research landscape for pancreatic cancer
Guest speaker: Mary Phillips, Senior Specialist Dietitian at Royal Surrey County Hospital - 11.05-11.35: Networking activity
- 11.35-12.45: Session 2 – Optimising supportive care data capture in research and what we can learn from other cancer sites
Guest speaker: Lynn Calman, Associate Professor and Deputy Director at the Centre for Psychosocial Research in Cancer at University of Southampton - 12.45-13.45: Lunch
- 13.45-15.05: Session 3 – Tools, support and resources available to deliver supportive care research
Guest speakers: Sarah Bell, Head of Services at PCUK & Aimee Perry, Senior Service Innovation Manager at PCUK - 15.05-15.20: Refreshment break
- 15.20-15.40: Session 4 – Building a new vision of supportive care research: addressing the needs of patients, growing the research workforce and responding to national drivers
Guest speaker: Sam Ahmedzai, Emeritus Professor at The University of Sheffield and supportive & palliative care specialist - 16.20-16.30: Wrap up & close
This meeting is free to attend. It is particularly relevant for researchers who have either already undertaken supportive care research, are currently conducting it, or are planning to in the future. The focus will be on pancreatic cancer but if you have conducted research in other cancer sites where there are lessons to be learnt for pancreatic cancer, then please do register.
Bookings have now closed as we have reached capacity for the venue. Please do email if you would like to be added to the wait list