Bob and Patricia
Patricia was diagnosed with operable pancreatic cancer in 2009. Her husband Bob shares her experience.
My name is Bob, four years ago my wife Patricia was diagnosed with the silent killer, pancreatic cancer. I remember that day very well.
Bob and Patricia I was recovering from a bout of pneumonia and had just been discharged from hospital. Patricia had been to the local surgery to ask about the fact that she was looking very yellow and there where other symptoms. I watched through our bedroom window as the ambulance took her away for tests, I could not go with her under doctors orders I had to stay indoors.
We thought it would only be routine and after the tests she would be home, one month later and after 8hrs of surgery, known as a Whipple’s she did come home.
My wife did not need chemotherapy, just painkillers and Creon with every meal. It took a while to get used to Creon, now she carries it with her everywhere and needs little prompting to take it.
Four years on she is still with us thanks to great support from the team at hospital, and lots of prayer from our friends at the Church.
Patricia is OK she lost a lot of weight 3 stones, and recently had an iron infusion which helped a lot at first but now she is struggling to eat, so the tests go on. We seem to spend a lot of time at surgeries and hospitals, we thank the Lord that they are there for Pat. Nearly 40 years ago her Mother died from pancreatic cancer our two daughters are worried now as it may be in their genes. Our daughter Julie is training to run 10k in Manchester for pancreatic cancer every little helps.
January 2014