Emotional Wellbeing and pancreatic cancer webinar

Tuesday 12th December 2023, 6pm — 7.30pm

About this webinar

Pancreatic cancer impacts every area of life, including mental and emotional wellbeing. Whether you’ve been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer yourself, or you’re supporting someone you love, this webinar is for you. You’ll meet two of our Specialist Nurses, Nicci and Lisa, who help people affected by pancreatic cancer every day on our Support Line. We are also very excited to welcome Tara White, Centre Head of Maggie’s Swansea and Dr Anna Taylor, Academic Clinical Fellow in Psychiatry at Leeds and York Partnership NHS Foundation Trust.

We talk through some of the different emotional responses you can expect and how to get the right support – from talking to friends and family, to reaching out to us and other organisations, and thinking about when you might need more specialist help.


  • Tara White — Centre Head at Maggie’s Centre, South Wales
  • Dr Anna Taylor — Academic Clinical Fellow in Psychiatry at Leeds and York Partnership NHS Foundation Trust
  • Nicci Murphy — specialist pancreatic cancer nurse on Pancreatic Cancer UK’s Support Line
  • Lisa Woodrow — specialist pancreatic cancer nurse on Pancreatic Cancer UK’s Support Line

Watch the recording

Read our information on emotional support

Here you’ll find information on how you can deal with the emotional impact of being diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, and how to get support.

Find out more

Tara White

Tara’s role in Maggie’s is to oversee the running of the centre, ensuring the team are providing the best possible cancer support to people with cancer and their families. Tara has over 10 years’ experience working with people with cancer. Before joining Maggie’s in 2017, Tara worked as a radiotherapist and cancer support specialist.

Anna Taylor

Anna is a general adult psychiatrist working in Yorkshire. She works in research as well as in clinical practice. Her research interest is in the emotional and psychological impact of living with and after pancreatic cancer, and she will shortly undertake a PhD in this area funded by the National Institute for Health Research.

Nicci Murphy

Nicci has been nursing for 20 years and started her career as a district nurse, going on to specialise in palliative care, both in the community and in a hospice setting. For the last 8 years, Nicci has worked in oncology in a city hospital providing information, support and practical advice to individuals and their families’ affected by a cancer diagnosis, including pancreatic cancer.

Lisa Woodrow

Lisa has been a nurse for over 20 years. She has worked as a research nurse running clinical trials and has also worked on the gastroenterology wards, the intensive care unit and for the last decade as a specialist nurse looking after patients with pancreatic and liver cancer in a specialist centre in London.  Her main focus has been providing care and support for patients having surgery, and she has done this mainly in the NHS, but also in the private hospital setting.