Living well to the end: Palliative care for pancreatic cancer webinar

Tuesday 3rd December 2024, via Zoom

About this webinar:

If you or someone you know has pancreatic cancer, planning for the future might feel difficult. You may have heard the term ‘palliative care’, but feel unsure about what this means. You may feel unclear on who is there to provide palliative care and what it involves. 

‘Palliative care’ means providing specialist care to manage symptoms such as pain, as well as emotional and practical support. The aim is to help you live as well as possible for as long as possible.  Some people find the thought of palliative care upsetting, but these services aren’t just for people at the end of their life. They are available at any point during treatment or care. 

We were joined by two of our specialist nurses, Simon Walker and Rachel Richardson, who support thousands of people affected by pancreatic cancer every year on Pancreatic Cancer UK’s Support Line, as we explored palliative care and end of life care.  

What we covered about palliative care:

  • What is palliative care and how can it help me?  
  • Who is involved in delivering palliative care? 
  • What can I expect from palliative care?

What we discussed about end of life care:

  • Who can I tell about my wishes for the future? 
  • How can you tell when a person is entering the final stage of their life and what does that mean for their care? 
  • What does good care at the end of life look like? 

We appreciate that this webinar might be upsetting and difficult.  You may wish to watch the section on palliative care but not the section on end of life care, and we completely understand this

Watch the recording

Who is this webinar for?

This session is for people with pancreatic cancer and their loved ones.

If you’re a healthcare professional, please see our dedicated events, training and resources for you, instead.

How will this session help me?

This session will provide you with expert guidance from specialist nurses who answered questions, discussed practical steps and signposted to further support.

Read our information about end of life care

Read our information about what may happen in the last few months of life. You can find out more about the symptoms people with pancreatic cancer may  get towards the end of their life and how these are managed.

There is also information about how to get support for yourself and loved ones.

Find out more